Disaster Mitigation and Earthquake Engineering

Disaster Mitigation

Earthquake Engineering

Assessment Scheme: Quizzes, Assignments, Tutorials, Mid-terms and End-terms.

Brief Overview of Modules: 

Module 1: Natural Disasters: Earthquake, Floods, Drought, Coastal Hazards, Landslides, Rockslides, and Forest Fires.

Module 2: Elements of Engineering Seismology: Earthquake phenomenon, earthquake recording instruments.

Module 3: Introduction to Theory of Vibrations: Single-degree un-damped and damped systems, elastic response to simple load functions, and earthquake response spectra.

Module 4: Performance of Buildings and Structures: Intensity of earthquake forces, lack of strength and integrity in buildings, quasi-resonance, lack of ductility, lack of detailing.

Module 5: Earthquake Effects: On ground and soil liquefaction, buildings, structures, power plants, switch yards, equipment and other lifeline structures, release of poisonous gases and radiation.

Module 6: Lessons Learnt from the Past Earthquakes: Case Studies of important Indian earthquakes and major world Earthquakes.

Module 7: Disaster Management: Salient features of disaster rescue, risk management, and casualty management.

L1: Introduction

L2: Vulnerability 

L3: Types of Disasters, Part 1

L4: Types of Disasters, Part 2 

L5: Introduction to structural dynamics




L9:  Practice Questions

L10:  Elements of Seismology 

L11:  Seismology

L12: Types of Seismic waves

L13: Main Causes of Damage 

L14: Flat roofs

L15: Soil liquefaction

L16: Earthquake Effects

L17: Earthquake Effects
