Book publication
Bhowmik B., Hazra B., and Pakrashi V., Real-time Structural Health Monitoring of Vibrating Systems, CRC Press, December 2022. Order now!
Book CHAPTER publicationS
JMG Sopena, B Ghosh, P Mucchielli, B Bhowmik, V Pakrashi, (2023) "Short-term power prediction and downtime classification," Wind Energy Engineering - A Handbook for Onshore and Offshore Wind Turbines, Elsevier (Link).
B Bhowmik, S Quqa, MGR Sause, V Pakrashi, MG Droubi, (2021) "Signal Processing – Structural Health Monitoring Damage Detection Systems for Aerospace". Springer (Link).
MP Limongelli, E Manoach, S Quqa, PF Giordano, B Bhowmik, V Pakrashi, A Cigada (2021) "Vibration Response-based damage detection – Structural Health Monitoring Damage Detection Systems for Aerospace". Springer (Link).
Wani, S. A., Pani, A., Mohan, R., & Bhowmik, B. (2025). Digital payment adoption in public transportation: Mediating role of mode choice segments in developing cities. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 191, 104319.(Link)
B Bhowmik (2024), "Advancements in online modal identification: A recursive simultaneous diagonalization comprehensive framework for real-time applications", Engineering Structures, Elsevier, vol. 305, 117770 (Link).
I Pathak, I Jha, A Sadana, & B Bhowmik (2024), "CNN-Based Structural Damage Detection using Time-Series Sensor Data". arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.04252 (Link).
Panda, S., Das, S., Bhowmik, B., & Hazra, B. (2023), "Mastering Complex Modes: A New Method for Real-Time Modal Identification of Vibrating Systems". arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17349 (Link).
G V Rathnamala, G P Shivashankara, R M Ashwini, H R Rashmi, & B Bhowmik, (2023), "A health risk model for rural households based on the distribution of multi pollutants", Water Science and Technology, 87(7), 1686-1702 (Link).
B Bhowmik, S Panda, B Hazra, and V Pakrashi (2022), "Feedback-driven error-corrected single-sensor analytics for real-time condition monitoring". International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Elsevier, vol. 214, 106898 (Link).
P Mucchielli, B Bhowmik, V Pakrashi and B Ghosh (2021), "Real-time accurate detection of wind turbine downtime – an Irish perspective". Renewable Energy, Elsevier, vol. 179, pp. 1969-1989 (Link).
B Bhowmik, B Hazra, M O'Byrne, B Ghosh and V Pakrashi (2021), "Real-Time Damping Estimates of a pedestrian footbridge". Journal of Vibroengineering, vol. 23(1) (Link).
P Mucchielli, B Bhowmik, B Hazra and V Pakrashi (2020), "Higher-order stabilized perturbation for recursive eigendecomposition estimation". Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, ASME, 142(6): 061010 (Link).
B Bhowmik, T Tripura, B Hazra and V Pakrashi (2020), "Real-time structural modal identification using recursive canonical correlation analysis and application towards online structural damage detection". Journal of Sound and Vibration, Elsevier, vol. 468, pp. 115101 (Link).
B Bhowmik, T Tripura, B Hazra and V Pakrashi (2020), "Robust linear and nonlinear structural damage detection using recursive canonical correlation analysis". Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Elsevier, vol. 136, pp. 106499 (Link).
T Tripura, B Bhowmik, V Pakrashi and B Hazra (2020), "Real-time damage detection of degrading systems". Journal of Structural health monitoring, SAGE Publications, vol. 19(3), 810-837 (Link).
B Bhowmik, T Tripura, B Hazra and V Pakrashi (2019). "First-order eigen perturbation techniques for real-time damage detection of vibrating systems: Theory and applications". Applied Mechanics Reviews, ASME, 71(6) (Link).
PC Fitzgerald, AMalekjafarian, B Bhowmik, LJ Prendergast, P Cahill, CW Kim, B Hazra, V Pakrashi and EJ OBrien (2019). "Scour Damage Detection and Structural Health Monitoring of a Laboratory-Scaled Bridge Using a Vibration Energy Harvesting Device." Sensors, MDPI Publishing, 19(11), 2572 (Link).
B Bhowmik, M Krishnan, B Hazra & V Pakrashi (2019), "Real-time unified single and multi-channel structural damage detection using recursive singular spectrum analysis." Structural Health Monitoring, SAGE, 18 (2): 563-589 (Link).
M Krishnan, B Bhowmik, B Hazra & V Pakrashi (2018), "Real time damage detection using recursive principal components and time-varying auto-regressive modeling". Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Elsevier, 101, 549–574 (Link).
M Krishnan, B Bhowmik, AK Tiwari, B Hazra (2017), "Online damage detection using recursive principal component analysis and recursive condition indicators". Smart Materials and Structures, IOP Science Publications, 26(8), pp. 085017 (Link).
A Sharma & B Bhowmik (2024), "A Position Paper for Explainable Investigations on Thermal and Structural Behavior of Concrete Under Extreme Fire Loading", Available at SSRN 4901385 (Link).
Jha, A Pani, H Puppala, A Gupta, P Sahu, and B Bhowmik, "Evaluating the Differential Accessibility Levels of Existing Public Transport Before and After an Aerial Ropeway Transit Service: A Case Study of Varanasi", Urban Mobility India Conference Expo 2023, IISc Bangalore, India.
B Bhowmik, "Improved single-sensor based modal identification using singular spectrum analysis", International Conference on Civil Engineering Trends and Challenges for Sustainability (CTCS-2021), Karnataka, India (PDF).
E.A Micu, MA Khan, B Bhowmik, MC Florez, E Obrien, C Bowe, V Pakrashi, "Scour Repair of Bridges Through Vibration Monitoring and Related Challenges", 1st International Conference of The European Association on Quality Control of Bridges and Structures, (EUROSTRUCT) 2021, Padova, Italy.
B Bhowmik, B Hazra, V Pakrashi, "Real-time Monitoring of Built Infrastructure Systems", International Conference on Engineering Vibration (ICOEV), 2020, Aberdeen, UK.
V Pakrashi, W Qiu, M O’Byrne, P Cahill, B Bhowmik, B Ghosh, "Fish Farm Monitoring for Blue Growth", 4th Civil Engineering Research Association of Ireland (CERI) conference, 2020, Cork, Ireland.
V Pakrashi, B Bhowmik, JMG Sopena, P Mucchielli, and B Ghosh, "Wind Power Prediction and Early downtime Detection for Ireland", 4th Civil Engineering Research Association of Ireland (CERI) conference, 2020, Cork, Ireland.
B Bhowmik, B Hazra, and V Pakrashi, "Real-Time Damping Estimates of a pedestrian footbridge", 8th Irish Transport Research Network Conference (ITRN), 2019, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
B Bhowmik and B Hazra, "Real-time structural damage detection in the presence of deterministic operational power line noise", 8th International OperationalModal Analysis Conference (IOMAC), 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark.
B Bhowmik, T Tripura, B Hazra and V Pakrashi, "Damage detection under progressive operational degradation of structures in real-time", 8th International Operational Modal Analysis Conference (IOMAC) 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark.
B Bhowmik, B Hazra & V Pakrashi, "Real time structural damage detection using recursive singular spectrum analysis", 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP), 2019, Seoul, South Korea.
B Bhowmik, B Hazra, and V Pakrashi, "Online damage detection using recursive principal component analysis and time varying autoregressive modeling", 1st International Conference on Structural Integrity for Offshore Energy Industry, ASRANet, 2018, Aberdeen, UK.
B Bhowmik and B Hazra, "Smart structural damage detection using principal component analysis". 13th International Conference on Vibration Problems, ICOVP 2017, Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India.
B Bhowmik, M Krishnan, B Hazra, and V Pakrashi, "Online Damage Detection using Recursive Principal Component Analysis". X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2017, Sapienza Universita di Roma, Italy.